In this post, I show you how to write a “secure cookie” library that will encrypt and authenticate payloads using the XChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD, using the Go programming language.
UUIDs are a great choice for primary keys in PostgreSQL.
However, not all UUIDs were created equal.
This post discusses the pros and cons of different UUID formats and explains
how to use newer formats in Ecto for Elixir.
Over the years, I have developed a big collection of modules and
macros that I copy and paste in all Elixir projects using Absinthe.
It is high time I started sharing my experience with the community.
Today I present a simple way to build “generic” types.
Exploring integration with Apollo Client for iOS. Discovering MVVM architecture and singleton classes.
Storing authentication data inside the Keychain using the Security module, which is part of Foundation.
Following Apple’s SwiftUI tutorial, I explore the interoperability techniques used to embed SwiftUI components inside UIKit Controllers, and vice versa.
The tutorial teaches how to build a carousel view, which I find pretty cool.
I also learned how to overlay text and a gradient over an image.
I spent the whole evening going through tutorials and working on my side project, Ngöndro Tracker, leaving little time to post updates to the blog.
Among others, I implemented a text field component with label, a helper to initialize colors from CSS hex strings, and began work on the view to edit practice settings.
Today I implemented persisting practice history each time the user adds some repetitions of a practice.
I also implemented a simple view for presenting those records.
I found out how to implement custom keys for Decodable data structures.